Wednesday, April 09, 2008

in case you were wondering

(I know, I don't post in a month, and then twice in one day...)

Check out what we saw in the yard today!

So, yes, in case you were wondering I'm still a dork. I still watch birds. But come on, a bald eagle. That is awesome. Right in our yard.


Anonymous said...

very nice!!

Rev. April said...

did you sing the star spangled banner when you saw it? because sure it's beautiful, but more importantly it's a symbol of our glorious nation.

Josh said...

thanks Nick, i really enjoyed the kangaroo pics on your blog man! that must have been crazy.

April, first i pulled the american flag out of my back pocket that i always keep with me (especially for occasions such as this), did the pledge of allegiance, then followed with the star spangled banner as a memento to our glorious nation.